
Centering your steering

Posted by Dave on Apr 3rd 2023

Centering your steering

We've been banging on about the wisdom of finally replacing your boat's old and worn chain and wire, and offering a spoonful of sugar to help the process along. The response has been very encouraging, …

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Anchoring in the Exumas

Posted by Dave on Mar 27th 2023

Anchoring in the Exumas

We get to talk about cruising with cruisers a lot here at Edson, and fortunately sometimes we even get to go do it. I recently got to spend some time cruising in the Exumas and came away with a ton of …

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Passage Prep

Posted by Dave on Feb 8th 2023

Passage Prep

Whether you plan to do one of the many major distance races on the 2023 calendar, or plan to stretch your boundaries with a bigger offshore passage this year, making sure your steering is well-prepare …

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How wheel size affects steering

Posted by Dave on Jan 27th 2023

How wheel size affects steering

A couple of posts ago, we alluded to the effect that a different size wheel will have on steering. In addition to practical considerations like making it impossible to move around the cockpit or havin …

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One wheel good, two wheels better?

Posted by Dave on Jan 10th 2023

One wheel good, two wheels better?

When I first started racing on big boats, the coolest boats all had gigantic wheels, preferably sunk deep into the deck. Getting the helmsperson outboard as far and as comfortably as possible was the …

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Fitting a new sailboat steering wheel

Posted by Dave on Dec 28th 2022

Fitting a new sailboat steering wheel

For any number of reasons (some of which will be the subject of subsequent posts), you may want to change your sailboat's steering wheel. While this is actually more straightforward than a lot of …

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